Wednesday, February 24, 2021

"We needed time to consider ourselves, to come up with a theory about who we were and set it to music."

--"Something That Needs Nothing"

"We learned to be discreet. It helped that nobody really cares abpout anyone but themselves anyway. They check to make sure you aren't killing anyone, anyone they know, and then they go back to what they were saying about how they think they might be having a real breakthrough in their relationship with themselves."

--"Making Love in 2003"


"I brushed my new short hair with the same long strokes I had used for my old hair, accidentally hitting the brush against my shoulders. It was a delicate, new strangeness, and I held on to it like a candle, hoping it would lead me to an even newer, stranger strangeness. Or perhaps I could accumulate many small new ways and pile them up to form one large new way."

--"Mon Plaisir"

No one belongs here more than you: stories, Miranda July