Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Fearless (1993)

"The sun had risen, the sky was clear. I crouched among the rocks, perched like a seagull on a ledge, and contemplated the sea. My body felt powerful, fresh and obedient. And my mind, following the waves, became itself a wave, unresisting, submissive to the rhythm of the sea. 
Then my heart began to swell. Obscure, pleading and imperious voices rose within me. I knew who was calling to me. Whenever I was alone for a moment, this being cried out, in an anguish of horrible presentiments, transports and mad fears--waiting to be delivered by me. 
I hurriedly opened Dante, my traveling companion, in order not to hear and to exorcise the fearful demon. I turned over the pages, reading a line here and there, or ..."

Zorba the Greek, Nikos Kazantzakis