"The stars were shining, the sea was sighing and licking the shells, a glow-worm lit under its belly its little erotic lantern. Night's hair was streaming with dew.
I lay face downward, plunged in silence, thinking of nothing. I was now one with night and the sea; my mind was like a glow-worm that had lit its little lantern and settled on the damp, dark earth, and was waiting.
The stars were traveling round, the hours were passing--and, when I arose, I had, without knowing how, engraved on my mind the double task I had to accomplish on this shore:
Escape from Buddha, rid myself of words of all my metaphysical cares and free my mind from vain anxiety;
Make direct and firm contact with men, starting from this very moment.
I said to myself: 'Perhaps it is not yet too late.'"
Zorba the Greek, Nikos Kazantzakis