Tuesday, May 3, 2016

"...the first check inflicted on the dream that had been sweeping Julien away."

"'My God! To be happy, to be loved, is that all there is to it?' Such was Julien's first thought when he got back to his room. He was in that state of amazement and deep uneasiness into which a soul descends when it gets what it has desired for a long time. Such a soul, in the habit of desiring, now finds no more desire but has as yet no memories. Like a soldier coming off parade, Julien was studiously occupied in reviewing all the details of his conduct. 
'Did I let myself down in any way? Have I played may part well?' 
What part? That of a man who is accustomed to shine in front of women."

The Red and the Black, Stendhal (M-H B)