Friday, March 18, 2016

"the sacrament of penance had accustomed him to naked souls, but he wasfar less used to naked bodies"

Rain Man (1988)

"...'Is Your Excellency coming to confession?' The Prince, whose sleep that night and conversations that morning had driven the episode of the previous night from his mind, looked amazed. 'Confession? It's not Saturday.' 
Then he remembered and smiled. 'Really, Father, there wouldn't even be need, would there? You know it already.' 
This insistence on his enforced complicity irritated the Jesuit. 'Excellency, the efficacy of confession consists not only in telling our sins but in being sorry for them. And until you do so and show me you do so, you will remain in mortal sin, whether I know what your sins are or not.' He blew a meticulous puff at a bit of fluff on his sleeve and plunged back into abstractions."

The Leopard, Giuseppe di Lampedusa