Friday, March 31, 2017

("Six years of writing and discarding, writing and changing, trying to get deeper and deeper into myself.")

"Really, I thought, sometimes I would like to have a child. A very wise and witty little girl who'd grow up to be the woman I could never be. A very independent little girl with no scars on the brain or the psyche. With no toadying servility and no ingratiating seductiveness. A little girl who said what she meant and meant what she said. A little girl who was neither bitchy nor mealymouthed because she didn't hate her mother or herself. 
What I really wanted was to give birth to myself--the little girl I might have been in a different family, a different world. I hugged my knees. I felt strangely safe there, under my mother's fur coat. 

Fear of Flying, Erica Jong