Friday, January 15, 2016

Rain Man (1988)

"What impressed me, in the urinal by the Luxembourg, was how little it mattered what the book contained; it was the moment of reading it that counted, the moment that contained the book, the moment that definitely and for all time placed the book in the living ambiance of a room with its sunbeams, its atmosphere of convalescence, its homely chairs, its rag carpet, its odors of cooking and washing, its mother image bulking large and totem like, its windows giving out on the street and thrown into the retina the jumbled issues of the idle sprawling figures, of gnarled trees, trolley wires, cats on the roof, tattered nightmares dancing from clotheslines, saloon doors swinging, parasols unfurled, snow clotting, horses slipping, engines racing, the panes frosted, the trees sprouting. The Story of Robinson Crusoe owes its appeal--for me, at least--to the moment in which I discovered it. It lives on in an ever-increasing phantasmagoria, a living part of a life filled with phantasmagoria."

"A Saturday Afternoon," Black Spring, Henry Miller