Tuesday, July 21, 2015

break it up

3 Women (1977)

"The mirrored floor gives no main directional indication of space-- one finds oneself in its centre. But, this centre is not a specific place on the floor, rather it is like the centre of a 'sphere' in which all directions are equal.... On the mirror floor we find ourselves, therefore, in the middle of what is in principle a homogenous and directionless space.... 
... The reflecting floor is an 'indistinct' mirror floor.... The reflection creates a belowness, one which shifts between light and dark in that objects, cieling and walls are transformed and converted into diffuse forms as they are reflected downwards. The characteristic has a counter effect on objects above the floor. Objects are optically detached and freed from the floor on which they stand. They seem to stand only on their own shadows."

Archetypes in Architecture, Thomas Thiis-Evensen