Tuesday, May 26, 2020

"but I trundled on to the tube station, took a deep breath, negotiated the turnstile..."

"Always it is interesting, is it not? to look rearward from the present moment to those earlier present moments from which it has arisen. If one perspicaciously from effects to causes traces the development of anything, one sees with clarity how infallibly one thing leads to another. And yet sometimes it is easier from the present to look forward and predict an outcome than it is from an outcome to look backward and determine a cause. ..."

The Bat Tattoo, Russell Hoban

Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Rachel Papers (1989)

"Clearly this kept him in a good humour; he had an easy lightness and brightness about him that made me aware of how heavy and dark I was feeling."

Amaryllis Night and Day, Russell Hoban

"But in the time that followed I often found myself shaking my head and saying, aloud to myself if I was alone, 'Why did I do that?'"

"'Look at it. You might think you can simply follow a spiral to the centre but you can't. You start around it one way but then you double back and go the other way. You expect to get closer all the time but you keep passing through where you were before, passing through yourself as you inwind to the centre. And this isn't just a matter of walking around in a funny way; this is the earth we're walking on and it takes notice of our intention: if we do it together with the intention of inwinding ourselves to each other, then once we reach the centre that's it for ever. Do you want to do that?'"

Amaryllis Night and Day, Russell Hoban
"The drawing session had been thirsty work and the pepperoni cried out for Chianti which I happened to have a few bottles of. As we ate and drank it seemed to both of us that the evening was shaping nicely. I couldn't remember a time when I had drawn to well or felt so good; I wondered if I'd ever draw that well and feel that good again. Happiness can be unsettling, like catching a baby that someone has thrown out of a window."

Amaryllis Night and Day, Russell Hoban

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

"It isn't that they defied description, it's just that I'm not going to describe them."

Amaryllis Night and Day, Russell Hoban
"I suddenly had the feeling you get when you reach for something on the top shelf of a cupboard and everything falls on your head. I crawled out from under the fallout and worked up some comments on dream imagery and the exploration of the subconscious."

Amaryllis Night and Day, Russell Hoban

terrestrial base

The Double Life of Veronique (1991)


"The hours between then and bedtime were perfectly useless as far as work was concerned. I drank, I ordered in a pizza, I watched The Double Life of Veronique on video."

Amaryllis Night and Day, Russell Hoban