Saturday, October 17, 2015

(Forward, I tell myself. Let's go! We are here.)

The Blues Brothers (1980) 

"It is on such a day as that I am apt to make one of those haphazard encounters which will alter the course of my life. The stranger coming towards me greets me like an old friend. We have merely to exchange a few words and the intimate stenographic language of ancient brothers replaces the current jargon. Communication is cryptic and seraphic, accomplished with the ease and rapidity of born deaf-mutes. For me it has only one purport--to bring about a reorientation. Altering the course of my life, as I put it before, means simply--correcting my sidereal position. The stranger, fresh from the other world, tips me off. Given my true bearings. I cut a fresh swath through the chartered realms of destiny. Just as the dream street swung softly into position, so I now wheel into vital alignment. The panorama against which I move is awesome and majestic. A landscape truly Tibetan beckons me onward. I know not whether it is a creation of the inner eye or some cataclysmic disturbance of the outer reality attuning itself to the profound reorientation I have just made. I know only that I am more solitary than ever. Everything that occurs now will have the quality of shock and discovery. I am not alone. I am in the midst of other solitaries. And each and every one of us speaks his own unique language! It is like the coming together of distant gods, each one wrapped in the aura of his own incomprehensible world. It is the first day of the week in the new cycle of consciousness. A cycle, need I say, which may last a week or a lifetime. En avant, je me dis. Allons-y! Nous sommes là." [sic]

Plexus, Henry Miller

"I am a freshly minted coin ready to fall into the palm of the first comer."

Manhunter (1986)
Plexus, Henry Miller

"That's how it begins. A duet which they have rehearsed a hundred times."

The Paper Chase (1973) 

"Curious, but any feelings of lineage or of ephemeral connections with the past which might arise in me were usually evoked by one of three curiously disparate phenomena: one, narrow, olden streets with miniature houses; two, certain unreal types of human beings, generally dreamers or fanatics; three, photographs of Tibet, of the Tibetan landscape particularly. I could be disoriented in a jiffy, and was then marvelously at home, one with the world and with myself. Only in such rare moments did I know or pretend to understand myself. My connections were, so to speak, with man and not with men. Only when I was shunted back to the grand trunk line did I become aware of my real rhythm, my real being. Individuality expressed itself for me as a life with roots. Efflorescence meant culture--in short, the world of cyclical development. In my eyes the great figures were always identified with the trunk of the tree, not with the boughs and leaves. And they were all variations of the one man, Adam Cadmus, or whatever he be called. My lineage stemmed from him, not from my ancestors. When I became aware I was superconscious I could make the leap back at one bound."

Plexus, Henry Miller

7, Section 3

The Fly II (1989)

Friday, October 16, 2015

Fratres Semper!

"'What will you do when we get there?' In Polish, of course. 
'Drnzybyisi uttituhy kidjeueycmayi,' said Stasu. Which meant, in our own vernacular, 'Take it easy.'"

Plexus, Henry Miller

Saturday, October 3, 2015

the windup and pitch

Age of Summerhood (2013)

"With all the advantages of an American upbringing had I not (in my twenty-eighth year) been obliged to seek this lowest of all occupations? And was it not with extreme difficulty that I succeeded in earning sixteen or seventeen dollars a week? Soon I would be leaving this world to make my way as a writer, and as such I would become even more helpless than the lowliest of these immigrants.... 
... The strange thing was, I reflected, that most everybody I knew already considered me a writer, though I had done little to prove it. ...Everything, yes everything, was noted, analyzed, compared and described--for future use. Studying an object, a face, a facade, I studied it in the way it was to be written down (later) in a book, including the adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, parentheses and whatnot."

Plexus, Henry Miller

Thursday, October 1, 2015

"the Carpathian Mountains moving up from under the moon"

Indecent Proposal (1993)

"'...One doesn't want wants a response. To tell you the truth, I don't know what I want of you, or anybody, for that matter. I want more than I get, that's all I know. I want you to step out of your skin. I want everybody to strip down, not just to the flesh, but the soul. Sometimes I get so hungry, so rapacious, that I could eat people up. I can't wait for them to tell me things... how they feel... what they want... and so on. I want to chew them alive... find out for myself... quick, all at once. Listen...'" 

Sexus, Henry Miller