Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Big Fix (1978)

"Small, fluttery gestures that betray nervousness or a practiced overanimation are considered girlishly feminine and cute. Toying with a strand of hair, bobbing the head, giggling when introduced, pulling the elbows in close to the body and crossing the legs in a knee-and-ankle double twist are mannerisms that men studiously avoid. Self-contained and nonaggressive, they might almost be the equivalent of cringing, fleeing and fear-grinning among the lower primates.
...Clutching protectively at the throat is not restricted to females, but corresponding masculine gestures are to loosen the collar and adjust the necktie, actions which indicate some modicum of control."

"Movement", Femininity, Susan Brownmiller

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Monday, January 6, 2014

time travel's easy when you've got a harp

"I realized that we'd stopped and that the door was opening. A man climbed in, dropped his fare in the tin box, and sat down across the aisle with a casual uninterested glance at us... And I sat watching him from the corner of my eye, tense, excited, almost frightened at my first really close look at a living human being of the year 1882.
In some ways the sight of that ordinary man whom I never saw again is the most intensely felt experience of my life. There he sat, staring absently out the window, in an odd high-crowned black derby hat, a worn black short-length overcoat, his green-and-white-striped shirt..."

Time and Again, Jack Finney

Friday, January 3, 2014

short bread

"And then his body: there are such chairs in women's bedrooms, upholstered in pink satin, full of warm folds and dimples, alive -- you'd almost think they're ready to replace their mistresses. Doctor Voycheck twisted his red horns till they were even sharper and the familiar smile crept to his ears. But a moment later he was serious. Bending down, he laid his ear to the pink satin-covered body and felt the stomach. 
'Hm-m... Now, why didn't you say a word about it till now?'
'Well, I somehow... People have told me I was gaining weight. What is it?'
'What! We'll have to cut you up.' 
Dimples; frightened babes with thumbs in their mouths."

"The Miracle of Ash Wednesday," The Dragon: Fifteen Stories, Yevgeny Zamyatin